Celtic unrefined sea salt is considered one of the finest salts in the world.
But most importantly: it is likely the most mineral-rich salt.
Celtic Sea Salt is much more than just a kitchen pantry essential. This natural salt, mined from the shores of the Celtic Sea, has become a popular choice for those seeking a healthier lifestyle and an enhancement of their culinary experiences.
The salt is sun- and wind-dried and harvested in the unspoiled lands of Brittany. It is guaranteed to be free of pesticides, herbicides and harmful chemicals. Above all, it is very mineral-rich and an excellent mineral supplement, free of heavy metals.
Celtic sea salt light grey color comes from the high content of minerals and it is grey instead of white as it is not bleached. The salt is also moist.

Pure Salt – Exceptionally Low in Microplastics
Unfortunately, microplastics have become a problem in our oceans as plastic ends up in the ocean and breaks down into microplastics. Selina Naturally always strives to deliver as pure and qualitative a product as possible and therefore analyzes the salts. The amount of microplastics is basically non-existent.

Multiple Uses for A Healthy Lifestyle
The main use of salt is of course in cooking, but you can also put a teaspoon of salt in a large glass of water and let it dissolve naturally for an hour or more. When it is completely dissolved, you can add a little more grains until the solution is saturated.
Then use a couple of tablespoons of this in plain water per day. This salt does not have the harsh saltiness of regular table salt and is good to drink.
The solution will keep for several days in the refrigerator as it is disinfected by the salt.
Use it as is in cooking or grind it in a salt mill.